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<ul class ="gallery">
<li><a class ="p1 left" href="#url" tabindex="1"><img src="mary-and-elizabeth.jpg" alt="">
<span>Mary and Elizabeth</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p2 left" href="#url" tabindex="2"><img src="margaret-burr.jpg" alt="">
<span>Margaret Burr</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p3 left" href="#url" tabindex="3"><img src="mrs-grace-dalrymple.jpg" alt="">
<span>Mrs Grace Dalrymple</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p4 right" href="#url" tabindex="4"><img src="mrs-thomas-graham.jpg" alt="">
<span>Mrs Thomas Graham</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p5 right wide" href="#url" tabindex="5"><img src="wooded-landscape.jpg" alt="">
<span>A Wooded Landscape</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p6 right" href="#url" tabindex="6"><img src="sarah-siddons.jpg" alt="">
<span>Sarah Siddons</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p7 left wide" href="#url" tabindex="7"><img src="mr-and-mrs-andrews.jpg" alt="">
<span>Mr and Mrs Andrews</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p8 left" href="#url" tabindex="8"><img src="mp-for-norwich.jpg" alt="">
<span>MP for Norwich</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
<li><a class ="p9 left" href="#url" tabindex="9"><img src="blue-boy.jpg" alt="">
<span>The Blue Boy</span></a><img class ="close" src="close.png" alt="" title="close this image"></li>
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