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a.a7:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:before {content:"image #7";}
a.a1:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:after {display:block; font-weight:normal; white-space: pre;
content:"A street entertainer\A This is a photograph I took during a recent visit to Bath where there are many street entertainers.";}
a.a2:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:after {display:block; font-weight:normal; white-space: pre;
content:"Cannon wheel\A Part of a cannon at Windsor Castle.";}
a.a3:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:after {display:block; font-weight:normal; white-space: pre;
content:"Another street entertainer\A Again taken during a visit to Bath.";}
a.a4:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:after {display:block; font-weight:normal; white-space: pre;
content:"Clovelly, North Devon\A A cobbled path down to the sea front at Clovelly.";}
a.a5:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:after {display:block; font-weight:normal; white-space: pre;
content:"Proud parents\A Swans with their cygnets on Stroud Park lake.";}
a.a6:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:after {display:block; font-weight:normal; white-space: pre;
content:"A seaside cottage\A One of the many beautiful cottages in Boscastle North Cornwall.";}
a.a7:focus ~ .oneBox .frame p:after {display:block; font-weight:normal; white-space: pre;
content:"A street entertainer\A Yet another entertainer on the streets of Bath.";}
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<a class ="lightBox a2" tabindex="1"><img src="bw7t.jpg"></a>
<a class ="lightBox a3" tabindex="1"><img src="bw2t.jpg"></a>
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<a class ="lightBox a5" tabindex="1"><img src="bw6t.jpg"></a>
<a class ="lightBox a6" tabindex="1"><img src="bw5t.jpg"></a>
<a class ="lightBox a7" tabindex="1"><img src="bw3t.jpg"></a>
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